What's that?
'Funamushi no herohero...'
Ashinano, Hitoshi. 1997. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. Chapter 24. Vol. 4, Page 10, Panel 3.
A 'funamushi' is a kind of terrestrial isopod found at beach. It is called "sea slater", "rock roach", "sea louse", and so on. It is also called Ligia Exotica.
Well then, what is 'herohero'? It sounds weak, wobbling, or unstable.
Makki and Takahiro seemed to describe the way that a 'funamushi' swims as 'herohero'. So, let's see how it swims. Enjoy!
[play video] Windows Media, 121 Kbps
[play video] Windows Media, 127 Kbps
[play video] Windows Media, 127 Kbps
[play video] Windows Media, 127 Kbps
[play video] Windows Media, 127 Kbps
Not all funamushi are active in the water like those shown above. Some just sink into the abyss. On the other hand they all are quite active on the land. It was hard to catch them.
The wiggle-wobble action seems to be described as 'herohero'.
Now it's your turn. Go to the beach. Catch a bagful of funamushi. And throw them into the sea. Let me know if you take any pictures or video. Remember, "Leave no stone unturned".
Yang Laoban helped me find out what 'herohero' is.
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YKK - Behind the Panels > Funamushi no Herohero
2004-06-20 KIMOTO Go